Currentzis & Sasha Waltz: Beethoven No. 7

Курентзис и Саша Вальц: Бетховен Симфония № 7

Cast & Crew

Conductor – Teodor Currentzis
Choreographer – Sasha Waltz
Performs – musicAeterna Orchestra
Dance troupe – Sascha Waltz and Guests


Beethoven completed the symphony in 1812. The premiere 1813 at the height of the wars of liberation was a patriotic event and an enormous success. Wagner’s bon mot of this Symphony as the “apotheosis of dance” is legendary. Thae fusion of the symphony with a dance performance would certainly have been in the spirit of the grand master of this Gesamtkunstwerk. 

“Currentzis compares the 7th Symphony to classical, ancient architecture […] the original sound orchestra musicAeterna plays with an almost exemplary transparency.” Deutschlandfunk