Bregenz Festival: Madama Butterfly

Брегенцский фестиваль: Мадам Баттерфляй

The famous Japanese tragedy by Puccini takes on new hues in the picturesque production by Andreas Homoki.

Cast & Crew

Cio-Cio-San – Barno Ismatullaeva
Pinkerton – Edgaras Montvidas
Suzuki – Annalisa Stroppa
Sharpless – Brian Mulligan
Conductor – Enrique Mazzola
Director – Andreas Homoki
Set designer – Michael Levine
Costume Designer – Antony McDonald
Lighting Designer – Franck Evin


The Japanese geisha Cio-Cio-San, called Butterfly, revels in happiness when the US-American lieutenant Pinkerton marries her. Their love culminates in an enchanting duet. Soon after, however, a ship takes the soldier back home. 

It is a clash of worlds and values: While Pinkerton feels free and marries an US-American woman back home, Butterfly, full of love, hope and longing, waits for his return for three long years – together with their child. Singing her famous aria “Un bel dì vedremo”, she imagines the day she and her beloved husband will be reunited. Then, however, Pinkerton returns with his US-American wife and Cio-Cio-San makes an irrevocable decision.